BABEL D, created in 2022 by young entrepreneurs to produce outdoor furniture, represents the synthesis between a long experience in metalworking and the ecological needs that guide the choices and behavior of current and future generations of consumers.

BABEL D uses metals (steel, aluminum alloys, stainless steel) to produce its furniture because they guarantee a long life. In addition, they can be easily recycled. The protective treatments, which ensure product preservation and aesthetic integrity, are carried out using non-polluting materials and techniques certified by the relevant suppliers.

We cooperate intensively with our designers, people of different nationalities, cultures, and experiences, who have reviewed every detail and accepted every production or functional observation. The BABEL D project uses diversity, alternating harmonies, and contrasts. The result is apparently illogical but full of inexhaustible energy. All the engineering and experimental testing phases and metal part production take place at BABEL D‘s Arcore facilities. Specialized and certified suppliers are entrusted with the finishing, galvanizing, and painting processes. Our carefully selected suppliers test and certified fabrics.

Quality assurance operations are carried out according to strict protocols in our laboratories or, often, at suppliers’ premises according to agreed standards. Independent bodies carry out and certify resistance tests.

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